Welcome to Faize Abdullah


'I' the founder of this small maktab name as "Faize Abdullah", Hafiz Ismail Maner turned Hafiz of Quraan at "Jamia Qasmia Arbia", Kharod, Dist.: Bharuj, Gujrat in 1992. Welcome to Faize Abdullah Education.

It was my Ustad/Teacher Hafiz Ibrahim Abdullah Patel Qapodrari Damat Barkathuh, a very Pious person helped me along the way become a Hafiz e Quraan. Later on my road to Ilm stopped at Arabi Awwal (Primary) due to undefined conditions at home, till then my teacher also migrated to london, as if I had lost a father but Alhamdullilah with the grace of Allah being very far my teacher grace and affection remained with me. A few year later he wrote a letter to me, inspiring me to dedicate my life for learning and teaching of quraan. This Latter Ispired me...!


To Start with play school till hifz and Alim Courses for Children, Further we are also planning to teach muslim woman technical courses.

To teach children, men, woman young or elder the deen of Allah(SWT), As much deen that will save his or her Imaan and Akhirah in this time of Fitna



To educate and facilitate Muslim boys and girls with proper worldly and Islamic education. To give proper guidance for school, college, higher education, technical education, professional education. To try and educate people about Islam and its basic fundamentals. To make available land, building etc for religious, traditional, and educational purpose.

To make available with the biographical books of hazarat Mohammad(SAWS) and his companions for the needy. To try to create unity and peace and brotherhood between different community. To educate and guide muslim with different scholarship, Jobs, reservation and make available proper educational requirements. To make available all the technical requirements such as tailoring, computer operating etc. for Muslim woman, Boys and girls.